Вищий навчальний заклад IV рівня акредитації. Засновано в 1993 році.

Академія праці, соціальних відносин і туризму

09.12.2016 - 13:02
The academic journal «Bulletin of the Academy of Labour, Social Relations and Tourism» invites researchers, academics, experts in economics, law and social sciences including social work to submit their contributions that fit the journal scope and thematic coverage.

In 2017, four issues of the journal will be published:

  • «Economic and social development» (dead-lines for submissions: 1 February and 1 July);
  • «Law, politics, governance»(dead-lines for submissions: 1 March and 1 August).

All submitted manuscripts have undergone rigorous peer review.


A manuscript can be submitted in Ukrainian, Russian or English. A manuscript in proficient academic English can be published free of charge. Other manuscripts are published on the fee-based conditions.


Any further information regarding journal scope and requirements to manuscripts is available on the journal web-page - http://www.socosvita.kiev.ua/publishing/bulletin (currently in Ukrainian) and can be sent on request (visnyk@socosvita.kiev.ua).