LL.M. program is a 1 year program (+ 4 months for the Master Thesis) with 60 ECTS, covering all the relevant fields of International Business Law (such as transnational company law, M&A, International Competition Law, Intellectual Property, European Law, Contract Law, CISG, Litigation, etc.). It is 100 % in English language and 100 % online. The content, supervision and support is managed by well-known professors and practitioners. Students are working in transnational groups and are processing real case projects during the study time.
For lawyers from all countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia who will participate in the program under the current German-Ukrainian cooperation between universities, there is a special price offer. The starting date of course is 21 November, 2016.
Detailed information about the LL.M. Program (English)
Detailed information about the LL.M. Program (Ukrainian)
In addition to a personal course guidance and counselling service we offer several information sessions.
1st information session: June 27th, 2016, 7 pm German time
2nd information session: July 25th, 2016, 7 pm German time
3rd information session: August 29th, 2016, 7 pm German time (course start November 2016)
You can apply to participate in the web-sessions, ask questions about the LL.M program, send the completed application form as a Ukrainian group member by e-mail: v-rector_science@socosvita.kiev.ua